Coaching, Baby
"Life is not about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself."
Coaching is much like this quote. At many stages in life we can find ourselves in a moment of feeling lost. Lost to who we are, lost to our purpose. We forget why we made the decisions that led us here. Sometimes external factors have their way with us much like a tornado that rip apart our current version of life and drop it in no mans land next to a shit covered cow.
We're left to rebuild, to create, to begin again.
Having a coach is like having a contractor. Someone who sees the bigger picture, is unbiased, is there to serve your needs and help your dream come to life before your eyes. They have the skill of asking the right questions to clarify what you're really after so you don't get a wall where you were envisioning a window, or a closet where big beautiful french doors should be. And just when you think you can't handle the chaos and wreckage any longer, your coach will pull back the curtain and show you just how close you really are. Suddenly the chaos becomes clarity and the path back home is right in front of you.
My flavor = holistic connection
As humans, we are wired for connection. At a primal level, connection is the thing that ensures our survival. If we are accepted by our 'tribe' then we earn protection, food, shelter, resources... we get to live. Connection = safety. If we are ousted by our tribe, we face a barren landscape, foraging for food and water, and ready to battle any other tribe we happen to cross, facing death daily. But in modern times when we lose our sense of connection, our bodies respond as if we are facing death, seeing the world as full of things ready to take us down. But losing connection with our tribe is not the only thing that can lead us to 'death' whether it be a physical, emotional, or spiritual death...
When we lose connection to:
a deep sense of meaningful work
vitality and what happy health looks and feels like
choice. To freedom. To having a say.
free time, play, balance and peace
heartfelt relationships
authenticity, effervescence and radiant joy
a greater sense of fulfillment
... the world begins to feel unsafe. We begin to shrink, make ourselves smaller so we don't risk being seen by things that are out to get us. We start seeing ordinary things as something to be scared of, every decision analyzed, scrutinized, looked at from every angle to ensure it's a safe bet. Boy, that gets super exhausting. Imagine what you could do with all that freed up energy and mental space!
I help people shed their battle armor, I help them reconnect with the pieces of themselves that have been lost or access the pieces that haven't been allowed to exist yet. You deserve so much more than you've been allowed. One of my favorite people agrees in her Declaration of Deserving. If you're interested in more by this beauty, Danielle LaPorte, I offer her Desire Map Workshop once a year, just sayin'.
There's a few ways working with me as your coach looks:
Step 1: Complimentary Chemistry Call
Here's where you get to take me for a test spin! Weeeeeeeeee! Coaching is a phenomenal skill and an even greater investment, but it only works at its best if there's chemistry. You have to feel that I've got yer back. I have to know that you're in it to win it. So come to me with a burning desire, a troublesome life blemish, whatever you like and I'll give you what I've got. You see if it works for you. It's like getting a free massage (who doesn't love that?!!). You get some good out of it and you get to see if you like the way that practitioner works. And you know when you've had an 'ok' massage (I can hear you groaning from here). I'm not after 'ok' and you shouldn't be either. I'm after 'HELL YES!!!!' Are ya with me?!
But we can only know if we're a hell yes if we talk first. So call me. No sales, no pressure. I promise. I also promise that you'll get a lot out of a free phone call. I won't hold back, I won't "save the good stuff" until you've signed up. I want you to fully know what my coaching is like, so that's exactly what you'll get - 100% me. Your life can change in a moment... sometimes that moment happens during this free call. Sometimes its after the call. This call is me doing my absolute best to help the change you're craving come to fruition. From here, you get to choose your own adventure! Read on below to explore the territory of coaching relationships.
Intro to Coaching - 6 Session Series
This is like the first few dates of a coaching relationship. We spend time getting to know one another to really create the chemistry and connection that will set the foundation for a trusting and effective relationship. Here's what it looks like:
Before our first call, you'll get the Health Not Hustle signature assessment, along with questions designed to grease your dreaming wheels. We'll use this as the starting place for your journey.
- Discovery Session - A 90 minute deep dive into your insights and revelations from your Discovery Packet. We design our alliance - how we both need and want to work together for smooth success. We identify your priorities, values, and visions you have for your life. You pick the focus for our 5 follow-up calls, the area where you want to really start seeing something shift for the better.
- Follow-up Calls - you get 5 of them! One hour, every other week, where we begin to look at the each of the 5 pillars of the Health Not Hustle model, and clarity unfolds like a fern leaf in the morning sun.
- Bonus Wrap-up Call - 30 minutes of feedback and feedforward. What helped you the most? What a-ha really started to shift things for you? What do you need moving forward to maintain progress? I set you off on your way with a fresh batch of ideas and targets to help keep your momentum and maximize the changes you've made already.
Investment: $1,500
Most people love this option as an easy, low commitment entry point to get some greater fulfillment and joy out of life. You're not locked into any long-term program, you get the experience to see if coaching is what you're after, and you get the all the benefits of a coach with no side effects. *One time purchase per client. Must be completed within 3 months for you to get the most bang for your buck! All sessions are completed over the phone.
The Health Not Hustle 12-Month Program
This is the mother of all methods, the big kahuna, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This is where your new life becomes habit. Where what you once dreamed about but never thought was possible is suddenly your new status quo. This is where you dream and achieve like you never even knew possible.
Here we co-create our terms and how we work together. You're always in the drivers seat, but I get control of the radio and the playlist. I bring a whole host of tools, activities, meditations and radical actions all for the sole purpose of uncovering your jam and helping you to live it out loud.
The Harmony Package is intentionally designed to be for 6 months and with good reason. 6 months offers enough time for exploration, experimentation and space for life to evolve. Yet it’s not so spread out that your momentum stalls out and your old habits rear back up again. This time frame is proven in the coaching industry to maximize change and transformation possibilities. Why fight what works?
Here's how we do it:
1. Vision - what is it that you want for your life? How do you want it to feel? Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? You know, simple questions like this to answer ;)
2. Strategy - the 'how' behind your vision. The details/steps/actions/plan to get you there.
3. Mindset - This is the shining star of coaching. This is where your beliefs get shifted to clear the way so your strategy actually leads to you arriving at your vision. (now you wonder why it is you've tried to quit that thing but haven't been successful after all the attempts? It's most likely your mindset)
4. Skillset - what do you need to learn how to do to arrive at your vision?
5. Energy - we look at what energizes your life and what sucks the life out of you. Slowly we add in more of the energizing factors, reduce the life sucking factors and what's left is a vat full of energy to fuel your journey. *hint: sometimes this is the only thing that needs addressing for the rest of the steps to naturally flourish.
You get:
(24) 60 minute calls (2 per month)
unlimited email and text support from me
a dedicated champion, cheerleader, and truth-teller by your side, every step of the way
access to a wealth of knowledge around health, fitness, entrepreneurship, marketing, authenticity, meditation, play, leadership, and finance.
articles, self-awareness surveys, book suggestions, homeplay activities regularly "drip-fed" to your inbox/text app to keep your motivation high, your learning deep, and your stress level stable.
website, marketing, and business design and work-life synergy mentorship included
a relationship custom designed to be exactly what you need it to be to get to where you want to go. How's that for awesome!?
guaranteed results so long as you put into practice what you commit to live.
Investment: $6,000.
Other Offerings
Attend one of my in-person retreats, workshops, or group programs! Shifts in your perspective and experience of life can come in many forms, it doesn't have to be one-on-one coaching.
Join me for a 4 day immersive experience in Moab, Utah (home of Arches and Canyonlands National Parks). Here we will use the inspiration of nature, geologic history, and play to shift perspectives of what’s possible, to gain clarity on what you really want, and immediately jumpstart new ways of living into your dreams.
All inclusive, just get yourself here.
Investment: $3,000
I offer a variety of workshops both in-person and virtual on a wide variety of subjects, some free, some paid. Check out my Events page to learn what is currently being offered.
“Working with Adrienne and having an opportunity to tap into her expertise was such a pleasurable and enlightening experience for me! She asked questions, excellent questions, and lots of them. She helped me uncover things that I didn’t know about myself and to figure out what works and doesn’t work for me as we experimented with different approaches and ways to implement changes that would get me closer to my goals. She kept me accountable and focused. As a result, I’ve become a more mindful and flexible version of myself, open to giving myself a permission to experiment in different areas of my life. Thank you, Adrienne!”